I originally joined John Thornhill’s P2S programme back at the start of 2014 when the major engineering contract on which I was working came to an end and I was looking for a less stressful way of making money to be honest. One where I could stay at home and not be chasing around the country putting things right for other companies who had lost the plot.

I steadily worked my way through the, then, weekly lessons, but then disaster struck! One of my previous clients dangled a very juicy carrot in front of me and I was off, once again, sorting out their factories; closing down under-performing ones, moving things around and being vilified by staff (which I totally understood), but getting the money deflected a lot of this.

Over the next few years, I added a few more blogs, very intermittently, and even created another persona for myself, the “Grumpy Old Man” to add some humour to the blog, but have never found the time to move on and develop my own product or promote anyone else’s.

I’m now retired, after surviving some health scares last year which put me in one of the vulnerable groups for this bloody COVID-19 virus, so I am taking this time in my self-imposed lockdown (over 4 weeks and still counting) to review where I want to be once we come out of the other side.

I’ve looked at other programmes and invested both time and money in them as well over the years, but I keep coming back to John’s programme where there is the most “proof” of success with guys like Steven Alvey and Omar Martin earning the big bucks and countless others making significant incomes on the back of this programme.

I began going through my old notes and reviewing the lessons against my current blog site and realised that it was 6 years out of date and things in the programme have moved on. So this week, I bit the bullet and have rejoined the 2020 programme with a view to being in a position in the 60 day window to release my first product.

Here’s hoping that this time I do what everyone tells me; FOCUS!

Follow One Course Until Successful.

To your continued success


Any comments welcomed, of course, below.



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