I’m sure most, if not all, of us have seen the Bill Murray film, “Groundhog Day” where he is a cynical weatherman sent to Punxsutawney in western Pennsylvania to witness the appearance of a ceremonial groundhog which supposedly predicts the coming of Spring. If you’ve seen the film you’ll know that he then begins to wake up each morning and has to relive the same day over and over again.

It is not until he breaks the sequence of events in which he is captured that his life is allowed to move on with his life again.

Now let me tell you, when I saw the film many years ago, I thought it was just a script and was amazed when I discovered that it was actually a real event in the USA.

There are many people who feel as if they are living in that same sort of daily treadmill grind every day but do nothing to break the sequence and change their life.

It is claimed that Einstein said “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result” so is that you?

So what can you do to break out of the same daily grind that does not harm you, but does not make you better?

Well one thing that I did was what is now called a side hustle and I started to learn about investing in residential property. But I did not just learn about it, I put the training into practice and now have a portfolio of 14 Buy to Let properties earning me rent each and every month. This rental income supplements my pension and allow me to enjoy life to the full.

I used money I had in various savings accounts that, although getting a better rate of interest than now, was not setting the world alight. By investing in property I have more than doubled the value of my previous savings pot.

I now have an opportunity for you to create a supplemental income from property by joint venturing in the UK with me as I’m looking for up to six investors with whom to work over the next 12 months. If this is something that seems to resonate with you then email me at investors@janvid.co.uk. We can then jump on a Zoom call where I can outline the strategy with you and you can decide if it is something that you want to do.

To your deserved success

Dave Thomas

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