I’ve only posted  a short message today, but am following on from John Thornhill’s video rants about various things, but this one is all about me and a particular failing I seem to have developed relatively recently!

I have a number of possible income streams (property, engineering project management, insurance claims handling, mortgage advice and of course internet marketing) and they all require me to write and publish reports, quotes, articles, etc so I do spend a lot of time bashing away at my computer keyboard!

So why is it every time I type the word THE, I seem to always type TEH?

Now I have checked with a reliable source, and the word THE is the most frequently used word in the English so you can see that I am constantly reviewing my typing and correcting the same pesky word!

In some sentences, the word has to be corrected three or four times as it is always being used and as I type as I would speak, I don’t find myself pausing to use a different word, I use the dreaded THE word! I have added auto-correct when using Word, but on e-mails and articles like this, I have to keep going back and correcting

I used to be a one finger at a time man when typing, but have now managed to add a second finger on the left hand side of the keyboard which doesn’t get used that often, but sort of covers the area where the E is placed so I wonder if my brain is triggering my left hand quicker to type the E than it is triggering my right to type the H!

It also happens when I type the word unlikely, but it puts the E after L so the triggering is later! I’m confused of Barnet!

Anyone out there know why I do this? Your assistance on this matter would be very welcome s please comment below and help me understand my problem!

    4 replies to "Can You Have Selective Dyslexia?"

    • igor Griffiths

      Well hello Dave not sure this is the answer you are looking for but after talking to a good friend Mandy Allen who is a proficient touch typist, she told me the key to touch typing is in keeping the rhythm, typing should be like a waltz and not the foxtrot (quick quick slow.)

      So your instinct maybe correct that it is at least down to your hands working to their own unique rhythms. I would start to get more fingers involved and learn the basics of touch typing as it will make a massive difference to your productivity in the long term, especially as you write a lot of reports.


      • DaveThomas


        I have set the auto-correct in Word so don’t see any mistakes when using that, but blogging doesn’t give me the option. I suppose another cross to bear, but will manage as the red wavy lines tell me where they all are in my post!

        It’s taken me ages to even get the second hand involved so don’t want to stop using it now!


    • Louisa Leontiades

      Of course you never write teh…but you type the ‘t’ and the ‘e’ with the same hand. And when you are typing quickly your synchronization capabilities of two hands versus two fingers on the same hand are ever so slightly off. 😉

      • DaveThomas


        Think I’m just a pretty useless typist!


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