So what is an Adswaps campaign?

This is when two marketers agree to send a message to their list on behalf of another marketer for a reciprocal arrangement in place for the first marketer. They are promoting each others products to their own lists and sending anyone who is interested to the second marketer’s opt in page. There is no payment involved as the benefits are mutual. The usual first offering in a campaign like this could be a free gift such as a report on a current topic. Trying to get new subscribers to buy on this first mailing would be difficult.

The most success for this strategy is when both marketers have lists of about the same size so that the trade-off between the two is equal although, in some cases, if one list is substantially bigger than the second, the smaller list owner could post the message twice or more to get the same quantity of mailings or the person with the larger list could restrict the number of e-mails he sends out.

You are not giving your list to another person, but posting to our list and any sign ups he receives will join his list, but remain on your list.

This has been a proven strategy for quickly building your list from a few hundred to a few thousand and there are a number of companies now working in this environment who can put you in touch with other marketers in your niche and with similar sized lists. They organise the structure of the arrangement, but you have to agree the date and time of the mailing campaign. You could, if you want and could find enough possible partners, run one Adswap mail shot campaign a day for a month and build your list very quickly although you might also lose some of your regular members if you are seemingly “spamming” them.

This, of course, works best for marketers in the same niche and they can prove their list size to the central organising body. They also work best when the members of each list trust the owners of the respective lists and respond regularly to their postings. The listees will see that the product or service being offered is something the list owner has endorsed and will be more likely to click the opt in for more information.

I had one guy send my offer on property portfolio development to his list of internet marketers of approx. 3000 subscribers and got under 50 opt ins for my webinar! Not such a success, but two different niches proving my point!

Would be interested to know if you have used this strategy and if it was successful for you? Please add your comment below?

    6 replies to "AdSwaps – A List Building Strategy?"

    • Torsten Müller

      I did some adswaps in the past and had some good success with it. The most important thing is that the lists are in the same niche so that you will get targeted visitors.

      I wouldn’t do an adswap based on list size though. Although the lists might be the same size, open rates and click through rates will vary. So in my opinion it is better to agree on a special amount of clicks to swap, e.g. each list owner sends the other list owner 100 clicks.



      • DaveThomas


        Many thanks for the comment.

        Agree with your reasoning and say that is probably the best way to set up the Adswap and the click through is a better factor in determining the success, or not, of the Adswap!

        My one trial of the process was to a “friendly” marketer who made me the offer and I did not have to reciprocate so mine was purely a list size exercise and not that succesful as was a different niche market. But you have to try these things and see


    • Kerry Russell

      Hey Dave.

      Very detailed explanation 🙂

      I’ve used ad swaps in the past to build my list and although they are not as popular as they once were, with the right offers and partners they can still be an effective way to build your email list.

      Not sure I’d go as far as swapping everyday though (lol) because you’re going to P*SS a lot of subscribers off and once your ruin your relationship with them, it’ll be difficult to get it back.

      And don’t forget that it’s not the size of your list that matters. It’s the quality. I’d much rather have a list of 100 buyers than a list of 10,000 freebie seekers who bark when you eventually try to sell them something (even if it’s a good product).

      How you finding the Partnership To Success training?


      • DaveThomas


        Thanksfor the comments

        There seem to be some marketers who send out a new poduct everyday, or even twice a day (no names, no pack drill) and I donot buy fromthem, but keep their headlines and other parts of their offering in swipe files as things to use or things to avoid. I stopped getting p*ssed off with them when I realised I could learn some stuff off them.

        I’m enjoying the training and it is a lot better than some others I have tried. It comes in decent sized packages and I’m following closely and not being led off to do things I’ve not be told.

        Are you new this year or an “old pro” with John?


    • Keith Dean

      Hi Dave,

      I have used adswaps in the past but you have to be careful as some of them get swamped with offers and become de-sensitised to your emails quickly.

      I have used safe-swaps which seemed good but you do end up with lots of people from there emailing you with their offers. As with everything just check on the feedback and reviews of the list owners and you should be fine.


    • DaveThomas

      Cheers Keith

      Checking on list feedback is an excellent way to check the value of Adswap offers as you do need to get good value for your efforts

      Dave T

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