I have decided to share a very personal accomplishment on here as I am very happy to have eventually got to this point.
A couple of years ago I visited Cuba for my summer holiday and when I came home I saw a picture of myself (don’t worry not sharing it on here) climbing out of the sea onto a catamaran we were on for the day and I was absolutely shocked when I saw what looked like a huge fat blob getting out of the sea with a struggle!
At the time I was six months away from 60 and I had a bad case of asthma so on my return from the holiday I decided to do something about my weight problem and thought how best to make a long term change in my life style. Working from home meant that I was in control of my food and I would go to my office with a flask of coffee and a large packet of digestives but by lunchtime the whole pack had gone.
I contemplated a variety of diets, but, like most people, find diets repetitive and boring so thought again. A few years previously I had managed to lose a large amount of weight so rejoined Slimming World without telling my wife as it was a morning meeting session I attended. Within the first month of controlling and support from the group and especially the leader, I has lost my first stone and that was when I told my wife.
Since then I have gradually and sensibly lost a total of three and a half stones and have hit my target weight that I set and I am now very happy with my body and my weight. My son worked in the States for a while a couple of years ago and he got very large, but he is young so he exercises a lot and works in a sports environment so has also lost over three stones. The bonus for me is that all the clothes he had now fit me so I have a new, modern wardrobe on very little expense so great for me, not so for him as he has to buy it all again!
One final blessing is that my asthma has become more manageable and my inhaler has been changed as I am finding that I am not as breathless as I was. In fact, I can walk so much further and faster now and enjoy these walks rather than having to stop every 150 yards and take a puff of something to ease my breathing.
I feel that I am now at a weight that makes me look good and so I am looking to stay at this level for a while. I now need to get exercising myself to tone up the loose bits that have arrived on my frame. If I can do that and I still feel good, I might go back and try for another stone as I am still about two stone over my “correct” weight according to the charts or am I just too short for my height? I’ll leave that one with you.
Not looking for any comments although welcome of course, but I can personally recommend the services of Slimming World to anyone who is serious about losing weight. The support and the variety of food that you can eat and still lose weight is amazing and if you do give them a try, say Dave Thomas, member no 49202, recommended you and I might get a reward!
images courtesy of freeimages.co.uk
6 replies to "A Personal Accomplishment"
What a phenomenal inspiration. After pregnancy, I am wondering if my body will ever be the same again! You give me hope…!
Thanks for the comment and I’m sure you will get back to the body you want!
Not sure if Slimming World have a presence in Sweden, but you could be their vanguard out there
Good luck with the new baby and managing this programme as well
Well done Dave
I am a member of Slimming World and my consultant is absolutely fabulous. Lost two stone at the moment a few more to go. Like you I would highly recommend them to anybody who needs to lose weight.
Keep up the good work
Thanks for the comment and these consultants are worth their weight in gold, especially the good ones!
Good luck on both programmes
Hi Dave,
Well done! I also have had that shock of seeing myself on a photo and been shocked and disgusted at my shape and bulk in my 60+ years. Wow it does hurt doesn’t it? The bathroom mirror only confirmed the need for some changes.
I managed to lose 40lbs, over 6 months several years ago by a change in lifestyle and watching what I ate. I definitely felt much more healthy and didn’t get out of breath easily anymore.
Keep up the good work, there’s many of us need some inspiration and assurance we’re not alone.
Well done, Dave!

Personally speaking, every ounce of fat on this body has been earned and enjoyed.
But, I suppose it might be a good idea to lose a little.
Hmmm… I’ll give it some thought.
Warm Regards,
John W